

The above is not a word. I made it up because I couldn't think of a good title. I hate titles. Especially since you always have to write them before you even write anything else and it's like you're trying to sum up everything you're going to say in one word before you've even said any of it yet. That's pretty silly, don't you think?

So, I think I want to change my name but only because I'm in love with this song that has a name in it and I love it so much that I would want that to be my name, but maybe I'll just settle for my daughter having that name if and when I ever have a daughter.

Right now all of my clocks are flashing 12:00. We lost power sometime over break. I wonder, though, how different my life would be if I just left them and never knew what time it was. That's what's great about digital clocks. With the type with hands, analog? I guess, it's always the same time...so I feel like I should be doing the same thing over and over. 6:05? Dinner time. Wait, I just ate, 6:05? But I'm not hungry. Okay, really that never happens but it's still confusing. I would lose track of myself if it weren't for clocks.

So, I was talking to some people tonight about being pretentious about music...and I'm definitely mostly not...but I do listen to a lot of music in foreign languages and even though often I only partially understand it, I wonder if it makes me at least a little bit pretentious. I don't know how I would feel about that if it did. I also just decided that I really wish the word wunder was used more often. I think if I have a new screenname soon, wunder will be in it. Probably not, though, because I can't think of a sweet word to go with it.

Found this awesome collection of cartoons tonight. I wanted to share.

I stayed up way too late looking through all of them. I know which one was my favorite but I looked at it about an hour ago and I don't have the time to find it again. Alas. Sleep.

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