
and so...

I put adsense on this blog because I thought it could be a pretty sweet way to make a bit of money, and they say they're going to use advertisements that are relevant to your blog, so I was eager to see what the first one I had on mine would be. I was a little dismayed when I saw it was for baby clothes. And actually, since I just typed that, probably it will mean that it will be even more likely to be about baby clothes again, but I was a little horrified.

I'm not a mother. I'm not married. Hell, I'm not even dating anyone, so what sense do baby clothes make to me?

I guess I do talk about femininity and motherhood a lot because it's terrifying, but I guess it just goes to show that these bots that try to determine everything about you don't really always work.

Oh well, I'll just have to start saying random things like: sex toys, kittens, bicycles, gym equipment, textbooks, etc. to see if I can get it to change. Stay tuned for further detail.

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